
"It's the biggest challenge with my boss. I just wish her communication was clearer. The team aren't sure what they're supposed to be focused on."

Communication skills allow you to understand and be understood by others. These can include effectively communicating ideas to others, actively listening in conversations, giving and receiving critical feedback, written communication, and public speaking.

Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and empathizing. It's also helpful to understand the differences in how to communicate through face-to-face interactions, phone conversations and digital communications.

Content Library: Communication
The 7 C's of Effective Communication more_vert
The 7 C's of Effective Communicationclose

The 7 Cs provide a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails, conference calls, reports, and presentations are well constructed and clear.

Build your skills in:
  • Communication
  • Communicating Ideas
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  • Basic
  • Advanced Communication Skills more_vert
    Advanced Communication Skillsclose

    Discover how people think, how they process information, and what goes on behind the scenes.

    Build your skills in:
  • Communication
  • Listening Skills
  • Active Listening
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  • Advanced
  • What makes a great Quality Assurance manager more_vert
    What makes a great Quality Assurance managerclose

    What makes a great quality assurance manager in the food, dietary supplement or pharmaceutical industry? This video shares 4 key qualities that a great QA manager should satisfy and the sad part is that the vast majority don't

    Build your skills in:
  • Quality Assurance
  • Quality Control Analysis
  • Precision
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  • Intermediate
  • How to get started as a BA more_vert
    How to get started as a BAclose

    A quick guide to check on some of the most important aspects of business analysis skills

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  • Business Strategy
  • Systems Analysis
  • Data Analysis
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  • The Business Analyst job description more_vert
    The Business Analyst job descriptionclose

    Resources on salary, roles and more

    Build your skills in:
  • Business Strategy
  • Systems Analysis
  • Data Analysis
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  • Intermediate
  • IIBA more_vert

    The International Institute of Business Analysts is the hub for BA certification and learning

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  • Business Strategy
  • Systems Analysis
  • Data Analysis
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  • Intermediate
  • D3.js guide more_vert
    D3.js guideclose

    D3 for Data Scientists, Part I: A re-usable template for combining R and D3 to build interactive visualizations

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  • Programming
  • Data Analysis
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  • Careers in Data Science A-Z more_vert
    Careers in Data Science A-Zclose

    How to Become a Top Level Data Scientist - Learn What to Expect, How to be Prepared, How to Stand Out and More...

    Build your skills in:
  • Analyzing Data
  • Data Analysis
  • Career Roadmap & Career Strategy
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  • Data Science - The Movie more_vert
    Data Science - The Movieclose

    You read that right!

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  • Storytelling
  • Data Analysis
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  • Basic
  • Develop skills in risk taking more_vert
    Develop skills in risk takingclose

    A mind map to help teachers design experiences that encourage learners to take risks

    Build your skills in:
  • Risk Taking
  • Systems Thinking
  • Self Control
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  • Intermediate
  • Grow your e-Commerce skills more_vert
    Grow your e-Commerce skillsclose

    The world of e-Commerce brings new opportunities and challenges for your business. It helps you sell to more consumers all over the world, with more products and services. You can be open to online shoppers 24-7, 365 days a year. But, factor in high levels of competition. And, factor in set-up and integration with key systems like digital marketing, supply chain, IT and customer service.

    Build your skills in:
  • eCommerce
  • Content Marketing
  • Design Thinking
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  • Learning from Mistakes more_vert
    Learning from Mistakesclose

    Whenever we make a mistake, we're faced with a choice: we can choose not to admit that something is wrong, which may doom us to repeat the same mistake in the future; we can inadvertently ignore the fact that we did something wrong; or we can figure out why we made the mistake and change our behavior so that we don't repeat it.

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  • Active Learning
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  • The TED guide to public speaking more_vert
    The TED guide to public speakingclose

    Since taking over TED in the early 2000s, Chris Anderson has shown how carefully crafted short talks can be the key to unlocking empathy, stirring excitement, spreading knowledge, and promoting a shared dream.

    Build your skills in:
  • Public Speaking
  • Presentation Skills
  • Persuasion
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  • Intermediate
  • Getting started as a manager more_vert
    Getting started as a managerclose

    Find out step by step what an eSports manager does

    Build your skills in:
  • Management of Personnel Resources
  • Creativity in the Face of Challenges
  • Negotiation
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  • Basic
  • eSports Manager Game more_vert
    eSports Manager Gameclose

    A game about managing a team of gamers!

    Build your skills in:
  • Management of Personnel Resources
  • Managing Up
  • Coordination
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  • Basic
  • Reboot podcast more_vert
    Reboot podcastclose

    The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership

    Build your skills in:
  • Coach-ability and the Desire to Coach Others
  • Diplomacy in Difficult Situations
  • Empathy
  • About
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  • Managing an e-Sports Team more_vert
    Managing an e-Sports Teamclose

    Infographic plus suggestions on getting started

    Build your skills in:
  • Management of Personnel Resources
  • Interpersonal
  • Conflict Resolution
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  • ICF Core Competencies more_vert
    ICF Core Competenciesclose

    11 core compentencies to provide greater understanding about the skills and approaches used within today’s coaching profession as defined by the International Coach Federation

    Build your skills in:
  • Coach-ability and the Desire to Coach Others
  • Consulting
  • Empathy
  • About
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  • Intermediate
  • What makes a good leader? more_vert
    What makes a good leader?close

    Emotional intelligence sets great leaders apart from the rest. Learn to recognize it in yourself and others with this 7 minute video slide deck.

    Build your skills in:
  • Leadership
  • Management of Personnel Resources
  • Meeting Hygiene
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  • Intermediate
  • 5 Instructional Strategies more_vert
    5 Instructional Strategiesclose

    Instructional strategies are the techniques instructors use to deliver training. They can be used in a variety of formats and scenarios.

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  • Instructing
  • Facilitation of Discussion
  • Learning Strategies
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  • Teaching as Decision Making more_vert
    Teaching as Decision Makingclose

    Instruction needs to consider the content and processes to be addressed, the strengths, needs, and interests of students, the Common Essential Learnings that could be incorporated, and the most effective instructional approaches.

    Build your skills in:
  • Instructing
  • Facilitation of Discussion
  • Learning Strategies
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  • Advanced
  • Facilitation: What is a Neutral Stance and Why is it Important? more_vert
    Facilitation: What is a Neutral Stance and Why is it Important?close

    Practitioners create a space for the people they are helping, and let them bring the content (rather than a teacher or mentor whose job it is to impart education and information). An impartial stance means being in a place of non-judgement, of holding a space of psychological safety, and maintaining an equal voice to all those taking part.

    Build your skills in:
  • Facilitation of Discussion
  • Neutrality
  • Attuned to Culture
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  • Introduction to Active Learning more_vert
    Introduction to Active Learningclose

    Numerous studies have supported the benefits of active learning in regard to its impact on teaching and student learning. But what does it look like in practice?

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  • Active Learning
  • Learning Strategies
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  • Top 11 skills of an effective facilitator more_vert
    Top 11 skills of an effective facilitatorclose

    There are certain skills you can work on or acquire that will help you in your journey to becoming an effective facilitator.

    Build your skills in:
  • Facilitation of Discussion
  • Empathy
  • Nonverbal Communication
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  • A day in the life more_vert
    A day in the lifeclose

    An example of how the day-to-day looks for a financial analyst

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  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
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  • Basic
  • Financial Ratios Quiz more_vert
    Financial Ratios Quizclose

    Multiple choice quiz on ratios

    Build your skills in:
  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Budgeting
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  • Intermediate
  • Getting started as a management accountant more_vert
    Getting started as a management accountantclose

    The path to becoming a Certified Management Accountant

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  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Budgeting
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  • Intermediate
  • 100 Accounting Resources more_vert
    100 Accounting Resourcesclose

    A comprehensive list of the top 110+ Accounting resources and tools you can start implementing today

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  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
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  • Intermediate
  • Becoming a financial analyst more_vert
    Becoming a financial analystclose

    In the financial services industry, one of the most coveted careers is that of the analyst.

    Build your skills in:
  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Analyzing Data
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  • CPA FAQ more_vert
    CPA FAQclose

    You may be wondering how far you can go with an accounting degree. Or the difference between an accountant and a CPA. Get honest, realistic answers to the most commonly asked questions.

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  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
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  • Global Management Accounting principles more_vert
    Global Management Accounting principlesclose

    Quality decision making has never been more important – or more difficult.

    Build your skills in:
  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Reading Comprehension
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  • Core Competencies more_vert
    Core Competenciesclose

    Professional competencies relating to the skills, attitudes and behaviors of accounting professionals.

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  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Administration
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  • 10 minute reads more_vert
    10 minute readsclose

    CIMA has put together a list of practical resources and insights that can help you develop your skills and broaden your knowledge in a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA)

    Build your skills in:
  • Accounting & Financial Management
  • Management of Financial Resources
  • Budgeting
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  • 5 Skills needed for fundraising in the nonprofit sector more_vert
    5 Skills needed for fundraising in the nonprofit sectorclose

    Fundraising is often carried out by professional staff with the relevant training and experience, but many members of staff and volunteers will also be involved at all levels, whether collecting at events or writing grant applications.

    Build your skills in:
  • Fundraising
  • Negotiation
  • Business Acumen
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  • Systems Thinking and Evaluation more_vert
    Systems Thinking and Evaluationclose

    How systems thinking can be used in program evaluation to maximize program effectiveness.

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  • Systems Evaluation
  • Systems Thinking
  • Systems Analysis
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  • 11 effective time management skills more_vert
    11 effective time management skillsclose

    There are many things in life that are outside of your control, but how you spend your time is not one of them. Using your hours to work toward the outcomes you value the most will help to not only bring you success, but will also sustain that feeling of fulfillment that comes from accomplishing your goals. The first step toward learning how to improve time management is realizing that it’s a mental game that anyone can master.

    Build your skills in:
  • Time Management
  • Focus
  • Persistence
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  • Google Tech Dev Guide more_vert
    Google Tech Dev Guideclose

    A collection of material from many sources, including Google, that you can use to supplement your classwork or direct your own learning.

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  • Programming
  • Technology Design
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  • How to become a developer more_vert
    How to become a developerclose

    11 steps to become a software engineer (without a CS degree)

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  • Programming
  • Technology Design
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  • Blockly Maze more_vert
    Blockly Mazeclose

    Get started with programming logic in this maze game

    Build your skills in:
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Logical Thinking
  • Programming
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  • Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tips more_vert
    Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tipsclose

    Roy Peter Clark has written or edited nearly 20 books about the craft of writing, including Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Greats Works of Literature Will Improve Your Writing, and most recently, Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser.

    Build your skills in:
  • Written Communication
  • Writing for Impact
  • Editing
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  • Intermediate
  • How to unclog a drain more_vert
    How to unclog a drainclose

    A simple and clear guide to a key plumbing skill

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  • Plumbing
  • Installation
  • Repairing
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